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Suzanne Skinner

Board Member

Suzanne Skinner, an attorney for over 25 years, is currently in private practice and a Distinguished Practitioner in Residence at Seattle University Law School’s Korematsu Center, and its Homeless Rights Advocacy Project. She is the former Executive Director of the Center for Environmental Law and Policy where she advocated to preserve instream flows in the courts, the legislature and with administrative agencies. From 2001 to 2010, she served as the Director of the Civil Division of the Seattle City Attorney’s Office, representing the City and elected officials in a broad spectrum of political and legal issues. She is co-founder of Civic Exchange: a public policy think tank focused on improving environmental policy and democratic dialog in Hong Kong. Suzanne also served as an Administrative Appeals Judge for the Washington State Environmental Hearings Office from 1995-1999, and participated in decisions on water rights and hydraulic continuity. She also litigated hydro power and salmon issues for American Rivers out of its Seattle office from 1993-1995. Before moving home to Seattle, she was an Assistant US Attorney in Brooklyn, NY and clerked for the US District Court Judge Malcolm Muir.

Suzanne is a volunteer attorney for Kids in Need of Defense and the ACLU, and on the board of the Seattle Shakespeare Company. When not working, she loves to play outside, travel and make bad ceramics.